Bethany Philpott | Alumni | University of Guelph

Bethany Philpott

Bethany Philpott

Bethany Philpott

BA ’12, MA ’14

How has your job been impacted by COVID-19?

I completed my medical training in June 2019 and became a family physician and investigating coroner in the fall of 2019. I never imagined my first year in practice would be during a global pandemic. We have had to quickly adjust to providing virtual care. This has felt especially challenging when many patients are entirely new to me, and I am still in the midst of building up a practice. However, knowing that my patients would otherwise be without access to primary care during this stress-filled time, has helped me to stay motivated.

How has your industry been affected?

The entire healthcare system has had to reconsider and adapt the ways in which we provide care. Often this has been through virtual platforms. It has also led to delays in non-urgent care, which will likely impact the system even after the resolution of the pandemic. We have also seen changes in the way patients interact with the healthcare system, from delays in presenting to hospital due to fear of illness, to increased presentation of loneliness, anxiety, and substance use. At the same time, there has been a true sense of solidarity as the entire healthcare system works to address a common goal.

How do you stay busy or connected with family and friends?

There has been no shortage of work to stay busy with these days. Physical separation from family and friends has been a challenge. I feel an added responsibility to stay well, to provide care and minimize any risk of spreading infection to my patients. As a result, I have avoided in-person social contact. I’m fortunate to have family and friends who are confident with technology and have been able to stay connected by virtual means.

What has inspired you the most in your community?

Even though the pandemic has exacerbated loneliness for many people, it has also served as a reminder to look out for those around us. I have been inspired by the ways people in my community have supported one another, from volunteers making masks to those delivering groceries so that high risk individuals can stay indoors. As in medicine, there has been a sense of shared purpose within the community, which is so essential to helping us get through this.




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