Dr. Justine Tishinsky | Alumni | University of Guelph

Dr. Justine Tishinsky

Alumni & Reunion Week



Dr. Justine Tishinskyr

Dr. Justine Tishinsky

BSc '07, PhD '12

Featured speaker for our Sleep Webinar

Dr. Justine Tishinsky is a teaching staff member in the Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Guelph, as well as the Interim Program Head of Kinesiology at the University of Guelph-Humber.  Her background is in human nutrition, metabolism and physiology, and her current research interests are in higher education pedagogy.  She has been teaching in the first year seminar program since 2013 and currently offers a course entitled Sleep: 1/3 of Your Life Spent With Your Eyes Closed.  In her spare time, you can find her hiking with her rescue dog!


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Alumni Affairs and Development builds lifelong relationships with alumni, parents, staff, faculty and friends of the University of Guelph. We raise funds to support the University and advance its mission to improve life.

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10816 1829 RR 0001


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