UGAA Message - January 2017 | Alumni | University of Guelph

UGAA Message - January 2017


Call for Nominations!

The UGAA recognizes and celebrates our most exceptional alumni through the Alumni Awards of Excellence program.

Happy new year, University of Guelph alumni!

The new year brings a new opportunity to celebrate the U of G alumni family. Do you know a grad who deserves to be honoured for their accomplishments? If so, I encourage you to nominate them for an Award of Excellence.

Award winners are U of G grads who have had a tremendous and wide-reaching impact on the University, the community, or their professions. The winners are honoured at the Awards of Excellence Gala on Alumni Weekend in June — it promises to be an evening to remember.

There are three categories:

The Awards of Excellence Gala is a perfect venue for winners to share their unique stories and to be recognized for making a difference in the lives of people, both here, and around the world.

Nominations for this year’s awards are open until January 31, 2017. For more information, and to see videos of last year’s recipients, visit the UGAA Alumni of Excellence website.

If you’re not sure how to submit a nomination, or need assistance, please contact us at

Good luck to all!



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Alumni Affairs and Development builds lifelong relationships with alumni, parents, staff, faculty and friends of the University of Guelph. We raise funds to support the University and advance its mission to improve life.

Charitable Registration Number:
10816 1829 RR 0001


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