
Privacy Policy

The University of Guelph respects the privacy of its alumni, donors, and friends and the sensitivity and security of personal information. Personal information is collected by Alumni Affairs & Development under the authority of the University of Guelph Act (1964) and is done in accordance with both Ontario's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("FIPPA") and the University's policy statement on the Protection of Privacy and Access to Information at the University of Guelph in support of the University's mission, programs and services.

The information collected by Alumni Affairs & Development is used in support of our alumni programming and fundraising activities. Alumni Affairs & Development may contact you (by mail, email, phone or other methods) to inform you of University programs including special events, reunions, news and updates, as well as specific college or department activities. In addition, we may contact you to offer opportunities to support the University of Guelph and to inform you of various services and benefits (affinity programs) offered in partnership with the University of Guelph Alumni Association (UGAA).

In support of the above activities, Alumni Affairs & Development may collect some or all of the following information about its alumni, donors and friends:

  • Home and business contact information
  • Education and employment information
  • Family and business relationships
  • Correspondence with the University of Guelph
  • Record of charitable giving and volunteer involvement with the University of Guelph
  • Honours and awards (i.e. Order of Canada, Top 40 under 40, etc.) received by our alumni and friends
  • Names of humans or animals for whom tribute or memorial donations are received
  • Indications of intent for charitable gifts (i.e. gift agreements, scholarship terms and conditions, etc.)
  • Record of student activity while attending the University of Guelph
  • Record of involvement in University of Guelph activities, committees and events
  • Event and Historical Photos

In support of our activities, Alumni Affairs & Development may disclose your information to third parties in the following ways (in all cases, appropriate measures are taken to ensure third-parties fulfill access and privacy considerations arising from relevant legislation and/or University policy):

  • Information may be shared with University volunteers who are bound by confidentiality agreements for the purpose of donor relations, gift acknowledgement, class reunions, events and/or fundraising activities.
  • Information may be shared with legally contracted third party vendors for the purpose of alumni communications, event invitations, fundraising initiatives and/or marketing information on behalf of our affinity partners.
  • Confirmation of the public record of graduation, degree, and year may be provided upon request.
  • Information is shared with the Canada Revenue Agency in accordance with legislation.
  • Information, including but not limited to names and e-mail addresses, may be shared with third parties, such as Meta Platforms Inc., for marketing retargeting purposes. Should you have further questions or wish to opt out of marketing retargeting advertisement, please contact us via email at or by phone at 519-824-4120 ext. 56934.

Should you have further questions or wish to opt out of receiving information from our affinity partners, Alumni Affairs & Development or the University of Guelph Alumni Association, please contact us via email at or by phone at 519-824-4120 ext. 56934.

Complaints or concerns over the application of this policy should be directed in the first instance to the Executive Director, Advancement Services within Alumni Affairs & Development and subsequently to the University Secretary. The University has designated the University Secretary as the individual responsible for the administration of the University's obligations under FIPPA and other relevant privacy and access legislation.

For general information regarding the University of Guelph's access and privacy guidelines, please visit the Access and Privacy web pages on the University Secretariat website or contact the University Secretariat at or, by phone, at 519-824-4120 ext. 53438 for guidance.