'Bond' Over Memories at the Chemistry 150 Celebration!

Posted: Jun 11, 2024

This is the year of milestones for many groups across campus, and the Department of Chemistry is joining in on the fun, celebrating 150 years of chemistry! In 1874, the Province of Ontario purchased 480 acres of farmland to create what was then known as the Ontario School of Agriculture. The topic of chemistry was widely taught in the humble beginnings of what would go on to become the University of Guelph. 

 An archived photo of the first departmental science buildingA separate chemistry building was constructed next to "Old Johnston Hall." The first departmental science building on campus. Photo obtained by Archives & Collections.


To commemorate this remarkable milestone, the Chemistry Department is planning a day full of fun activities for all ages on June 22, including friendly chemistry competitions and games and opportunities to network with fellow grads!

One of the Chem 150 organizers, and three-time Guelph Grad, Dr. Kate Stuttaford, B.Sc. '92, M.Sc. '95, PhD '04, gives a sneak peek into some of the days programming, which includes lab and facility tours, a chemistry show, and a special Chemistry 150th Celebration dinner to closeout the day.

When asked what Kate is most looking forward to, she shared, 

"I'm most excited to see people. My students, my TAs, our retirees. I've already heard from a number to say they are coming. Also, liquid nitrogen ice cream with chemistry sprinkles, you can't beat that!"

Known as the "Chemistry Mum", Kate has mentored countless TAs over the years while running the analytical and physical chemistry labs and teaching courses. It is sure to be a heartwarming reunion among chemistry grads of all generations. 

The event aims to create a space where grads can reminisce over 'molecular' memories, connect with the department, celebrate with old friends, and perhaps even 'synthesize' new friendships! Kate assures there will be activities for the whole family and encourages everyone to bring their families out - her's has already been voluntold!



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